Monday, February 27, 2012

Style and the 'Gun Guy'

It has been an interesting last few months. I have had a lot of personal growth in a short time. One of the things that has occurred to me recently is my appearance. I rarely gave it thought in the past, but recently it's been on my mind more and more.

The last place you think you'll learn about style is at a shooting class. Gun guys are notoriously bad dressers. From the 'shoot me first' 5.11 vests, to the 'full diaper' tactical pants. A size medium guy wearing XL shirts to conceal his kit... It's just bad.

However, SouthNarc, in addition to being the best trainer I've ever met, is also a fashion-savvy dude. He said some very interesting things in during dinner. The one that sticks out in my mind is, "if you have a dominating physical presence in a room, AND you are dressed better than any other man in that room, you can just intimidate the hell out of guys." Also, he made me laugh with "this is a coyote-tan free zone". Wearing clothes that compliment my build as well as look sharp... That's one of my goals for this year.


I have NO style. I spent the bulk of my 20's wearing free t-shirts I got when I worked at a supplement store. So I was wearing misfitted t-shirts, and cargo shorts for like 5 years. Add being overweight to that, and the recipe is for lame-looks. I'm actually pretty lucky my wife decided to marry me, now that I think about it. When I was overweight, I didn't much care how I looked. Now that I'm at 180lbs, I feel it is my duty to wear clothes that fit me. I want to be a nice piece of arm candy for my wife. I also want to carry my tools.

One of the cool things about gaining the competence in empty hand fighting, increased skill in shooting, and developing better tactical thinking is that I feel comfortable with fewer tools. I feel fine carrying my Kel-Tec PF9, my P'Kal, and a small flashlight. If the setting demanded it, I'd go for less. My pt-22 in a deep concealment rig would be fine. As my friend Claude says, "competence breeds confidence".

So, as I am want to do, I'm developing a plan to incrementally replace my clothes with better fitting, more stylish clothes. The first step in this is researching the subject. My new haunts are:

I'm going to start looking for a watch, a few pairs of pants, and a few shirts, and some shoes that will be my baseline wardrobe. A jumping off point...

I'll post updates as things develop.


  1. Styleforum is pretty good but don't get carried away spending a shitload of money.

    Ideally you can look sharp at work and recycle some of that into your non work looks too. Compatibility is key, you don't want to buy cool shit that only works with 1 other item in your wardrobe.

    I pretty much bought a whole new wardrobe about 1.5 years ago and can share some advice if you like.

    1. absolutely. I'm not into spending boat loads of cash. Just want some basics that are classically stylish.
