Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Year in Review 2011

Here is the summary of 2011 for me.

What did I do in 2011:
My original goals from Oct 2010
Continue my dry fire/airsoft home training to keep sharp on gun handling
-Continue sparring and training with my home boxing group
-Continue shooting IDPA to maintain skillset and keep myself honest
-Continue following the exercise and diet suggestions from here and elsewhere
-CMD seminar with Cecil in December 2010
-Take ECQC 1/2 in March
-Take Tactical Response's 'The Fight'
-Join BJJ gym early in ‘11 when we pay our CC’s off.
-Take gunshot wound trauma course

So I met all my goals for 2010. All too easy... :P

What I did that I didn’t expect to do:
-lost 50 lbs (4 hour body, then Eat/Stop/Eat method), I’ll spare you the photos...  I’m between 175 and 180 right now, have been maintaining this weight.
-enter a BJJ competition (and won my weight class!)
-begin assisting a local trainer with his ATL firearms courses.

What are my reevaluated strengths after this year?
3)empty hands

The more physical pursuits (especially those which put me against another person) caused me to look into myself for truths about my character and personal development. I realized (actually confirmed) I really don’t like competition. I don’t like to lose. I don’t like to put my ego and pride on the line. I fear injury and pain. The BJJ tournament was HARD to enter because of this. I get upset if I lose a board game for christ’s sake. I feel fear when I am about to spar or roll in class. I find myself not wanting to follow through and exert my force on another person. I’m still trying to figure out if I am afraid of hurting the other person, or if I don’t care about winning enough to get worked up and power through. In BJJ specifically, I find I roll passively. Trying to pull the technique off cleanly instead of muscling through. However, my training partners tend to just flatten me out. I’ll try to make a concerted effort to amp up aggression in a controlled way.

I realize that I’m over the idea of weight lifting for the purpose of ‘bigger muscles’. That is a waste of time for me. Lifting to be a better fighter, more able to deliver power and force, on-demand, are my only needs when it comes to weights. I don’t believe I’ll do another biceps curl in the near future. To quote my bro MattMan.. I’m working on “ getting everything out of each pound I weigh”. Compound heavy  lifts are what I’ll use barbells for. When I look in the mirror, I feel like THIS is what I am supposed to look like. In my late 20’s I feel like comfortable with my body. It’s a big deal to me, and it’s not a feeling I ever got from trying to put a bunch of muscle on.

I realized that surrounding myself with people who are like minded and supportive HELP. Facebook has played a huge part in this for me. I’m very much a self starter, but seeing someone who gives a quick “keep it up” really boosts my drive and keeps me going. The ATL training group has also done a lot to help me keep motivated. Public scrutiny and accountability go a LONG way in keeping ME on track.

Making a small wager increased the chance of me sticking with a goal.

People can and WILL try to derail your progress. It seems like when people noticed me being successful, they tried to offer me cupcakes and pies to celebrate. Expect the same. I try to distance myself from this as best I can. Bringing people into my frame of mind is the best solution I’ve found. Those that can’t be convinced are to be discarded as much as possible.

I realize that sharing my passions is a way to reinforce my mindset and drive. Instruction and teaching is a good way to do this.

I realize that if I want to be awesome, I have to surround myself with MMA and shooting studs and leech their cool. I’m never sure if I’m cool, or if I only do the hobbies that cool dudes do. This really is something that I’ve thought about... *dunno*

What am I wasting my time on? Primarily, my biggest time sync that provide me little benefit is my animals.. I spend a lot of time on them. Oh, that and my job... Pity a job has to get in the way of your passions.

On with the future plan...

What do I want to do in 2012:
 [LIST]  [*] run a 5 or 10k - Why? Since I always feared running and figured I’m not ‘built’ for running. The fact is, I was too fat and out of shape to run. no mas.
[*]Begin 8 week blocks alternating between either running or weights. 2- 1 hour a week sessions.
[*]touch pistol (or sirt) at least 2x a week for 10 minutes with a regimented dry fire session. I still don’t have the time to make it to the range regularly.
[*]Shoot at least 4 IDPA matches. The time pressure is invaluable.
[*]enter a Muay Thai tournament. Even if it’s just an intra-gym tournament, I’ll be happy.
[*]enter at least 2 bjj tournys. Grappling is most complex part of the game I’m trying to play, and tournaments are like compressed training time. Compete.
[*]train more wrestling/takedowns and an integrated MMA game.
[*]continue bjj/mt (duh), and start taking daily notes about training. A log of techniques would be very helpful.
[*]Orchestrate and train with the training group more regularly.
[*]Take ECQC again to see where my game needs improvement
[*]Take AMIS (may be in 2012)
[*]Train with Tactical Response (maybe an hrcc?)
[*]READ for at least 2 hours a week. This can be on the shitter or a dedicated time. Read things to exercise the mind and gain insight into the history of what I’m doing.
 [*]Begin doing something related to ‘art’. At least 2 hours a month. Whether it’s writing or taking photos. The samurai understood the need for balance between martial arts and regular art and I’m afraid I’m not balancing myself. Hopefully it will keep me from burning out.[/LIST]

Let me know what you think, and please go through the exercise of doing this for yourself. It’s very helpful. Lists get stuff done.


  1. I'm going to start reading classics and poetry for the mind sharpening bit. Try writing handwritten letters whenever possible to practice composing your thoughts.

    1. I think that those are both great ideas. It's funny, but WRITING something seems to come from a different part of my brain than typing. There's probably something to that. I'm on the philosophy train right now. I'll see how my mood leads me.

  2. How do you see an HRCC class fitting into your over all goals and training plan?

    1. To be honest dude, I LOVED taking HRCC. However, from a practical aspect, as well as a money/time spent consideration, there is no real space for it. It is a 'bucket list' type thing though. Burning cars, setting ambushes, breaking contact... it's movie stuff!

      It's the deep end, but not as deep as ECQC is. You don't have teammates and radios when getting your shit pushed in by 2 angry classmates.
