MT : orange sash mitts 1,2,1,2,slip,4,3,2,step 2 and 1,2,1,2,sl,slap, 5,2,3,2 step 2
evasion on the pads
1 mile run 9:30 mile
moves from spider guard-
off of leg overwrap (foot in armpit):
get other leg across, knee out, get deep underhook on near leg, bring weight on top, sweep to knee on belly
Omaplata from same position:
go for sweep, doesnt work, continue circling under the trapped arm, extend legs and go for omaplata. Be sure to get trapped arm high in crotch, rather than at knee bend. Makes it way tighter.
Failed omaplata to arm bar:
go for omaplata, if it stalls or fails, switch hips so butt is facing up towards his head, get top (far) knee over top of shoulder and onto ground behind his armpit, pinch with bottom leg, finish
Rolling was good. I tried to not use any strength when going with Linda, only technique. That got me rear mounted and choked. She's good. Also, Ben and I had a good roll. He got me in a triangle, and something else. And I took his back and got an arm bar using the technique that we learned a few weeks ago. Felt good to pull off something like that. I was distracting him with neck attacks, and was able to secure the grips on his arm.
MT: Manu Taught us whiile Paul celebrated his son's bday
brutal warmup.
Combos: 1,2, 2x left, check ,evade teep, 2x right, teep
1,2,3, 2x right,check , evade teep, 2x left, teep
mitts 1,2,1,2,slip 2, 3, right kick low, rt high
1,2,1,2, slip,slap, 3,2 left kick low, left high
""""" rt kick low, 2x rt knees
NEW TECHNIQUE - parry jab w/ right hand, step out and 2x left knees. mirror as well.
"sticky hands"
Thursday : AM run 1.2 miles, no BJJ. too tired. Having to get conditioned to run a few times a week in addition to training MT and jits will be a slow process.
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