Friday, June 21, 2013

Dogg Crapp and Me

So, as the noose tightens on my free time (mostly kidding), I have to keep tweaking my training programming accordingly. I realize that MMA is out for now, as is highly complicated training at a big gym like GaTech's. I had to find another way to improve physically. So I begged my wife to let me buy a used power rack on Craig's List. Here's the score:

I'm still interested in getting stronger. That's the primary goal. But since I'm a program-jumper... I figured I'd try something new for 6 months or so. Serendipitously, Paul S. and Brandon S. both mentioned DC training within about a week of each other so I started digging.

Brandon posted a progam, based on an article from T-Nation: It's a hybridization of 5/3/1 (I have 7 months on this program) and DC training. Here's the program.

Here's the article:

I started this program, since I like the idea of 2x a week training, as well as concentrating on the power lifts. Then I started reading about pure DC training.

I read this


and Paul S.'s thoughts:
I've been getting a few texts, calls and messages about D/C training, injuries and assorted strength training questions. Most guys know I've used D/C training to work my way up from 190-200 to a peak of 290. I walk around at 245-255 now and with one blast phase I can usually go back up to 275. The main thing guys have to know before starting D/C is; Dante is right. Guys will think they should change this or that, don't. Do it by the book, which also includes the part about being honest with yourself regarding whether you're ready for D/C. I wasn't. I was coming off of an injury and my training prior to D/C was a combination of body weight stuff, Oly lifts, plyos and sprint training as I was a competitive MMA fighter. Once I knew I couldn't compete any longer I decided to see how big and strong I could get. I read as much as I could about D/C, talked to friends and my cousin Rick who has experience with D/C and started the program. My first few blast/cruise phases were great, I was growing constantly. I knew how to push myself hard from all the fight prep for MMA so digging in for the rest-pause sets was normal however, i racked up some pretty bad injuries because i didn't have the training history Dante recommends prior to starting. That's an important element. I had a serious training history in MMA fight prep but not in strength training. If you have the training history definitely give D/C a shot, if not though you're better served to put some time into a more conventional program. ..Good find Corey. Essentially I posted; 1) Don't change anything, just do the program as is, 2 way split. 2) base your diet around protein. 2 grams per pound of bodyweight you WANT to weigh. 3) do the stretches. It really helps. 4) Dig deep. You get one set with 3 attempts, make it count. 5) Cardio on the days you don't lift. Just do it. That's 4 days of cardio, 3 days of lifting. You'll be glad you did. 6) Add reps before adding weight. 7) When you add weight add the least amount possible. Don't blast for longer than 6-8 weeks in the beginning. If you do you will burn out, you will get injured. 9) Pick your 3 exercises wisely. Pick moves you can add weight and/or reps easily. Barbell and plate loaded machines work great, dumbbells not so much. 10) when it's time to cruise take advantage of the cruise and give your body a break. I didn't at first and my joints hated me. My cruises would be more heavy lifting just not DC, for example I would do 4-5 sets of heavy bench, incline and dips for chest..., not good. My joints never got a break in the beginning and the injuries and constant pain drove me nuts. Later I learned to cruise properly and my joints/injuries went away and I made better gains when it was time to blast again because my body and mind were good to go.

So I sketched up the lifts I'm able to do in my basement gym. I'm going to do my absolute best to stick to the protocols. Rest/Pause, Beating the log book, Protein intake, carb cutoff after 5pm, deep stretching after the sets, adequate rest, cardio on off days, lots of water.

Here's an early spreadsheet of my plan:

So my proposed schedule will look like:
M/W/F: DC work
T/Th/S/S : 30 mins light cardio, most probably dog walks with a weight vest.

I can already tell the protein intake will be the hardest part. I'm looking at 400-450 g per day which is a load of whey and eggs and steaks. I'm using myfitnesspal to track protein intake, assuring that I'm getting 450g a day. Without some pretty heavy whey shake supplementation, I'll get nowhere near it.

Starting weight is 192.6 on the week of June 10.
Let the Blast commence.

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