Monday: MT
Manu led class, went for 2 hours and 15 minutes or so.
First hour was warmups: jump rope 3x rounds, run and stuff. jumping jacks, burpies, stretching. Then we drilled the evasion. did combos along mat (1,2, switch lknees; 1,2,3,rtknees), practiced slip/slap/body/body/bob/weave/evade uppercut.
Thai Bag: 10 and 10 kicks, knees, combos
This was the first hour.
Next was 1 round of just boxing, working technical aspects and counters.
Then thai pads: 1,2,switch lkicks, check evade right kicks
1,2,3 rk, check evade lks
then mitts:
1,2,slip,uppercut, 3,2, switch knees
1,2,3,slip,slap, uppercut, 2,3, rknees
sparring 3 rounds
partner assisted abs, and pushups on ball
50 squats in a circle, jumping jacks, and done.
I was super smoked after this one.
Sparring went well. Since I'm aware of it, I'm flinching less and less, able to keep composure more, and counter strike when struck. I'm trusting my technique and it's paying off. I'm starting to think in combinations more. I need to think in combos coming off of body and head movement though. I think of when my initial attack angle is straight in, but when I do rapid side to side movement, I have to reorient and then go straight in. I need to try to move angles and attack off of that angle. Or start slipping and bobbing and fire out of that. I think this will give me a better chance of landing.
Tues: Rest. Too dead from Monday. I'm weak. :)
Wed: MT
Anthony was back. same combos as monday. Did a round of boxing, and then 3x rounds of MT sparring. Jeff told me my jabs were getting sloppy with my elbow flying out before I would jab. My kicks are getting sharper. I'm trying to get better at countering and throwing when my opponent throws. Jeff also mentioned he saw my eyes flutter when someone would start punching at me. I have to keep on the track of not bitching up and throwing back. I have been using my arms as bracers to jam up straight punches, and kicking under that to counter. It's working pretty good. I tried Anthony's combo today. right kick, left kick, right kick, switch... left cross. People are looking at the leg on that switch. I always find myself at the very edge of punching distance. If I want to get better at boxing, I need to continue to work my footwork and bobs to get angles. footwork footwork footwork.
Worked closed guard. Great review. We worked both the technical arm bar, and the more explosive one, relying on hip movement. We also worked an omaplata off of an arm that gets out.
3 kinds of cross collar chokes, all starting off of the cross collar grip
1- reach other hand to opposite shoulder, make grip, and choke
2- reach other hand UNDER cross grip, grab lapel, choke
3- don't get as deep a cross collar hold, break posture, on that same side as cross collar, leave about 4-5" of space, use other hand, thumb in collar, circle opposite hand around the neck, finish choke. This one comes on SUPER fast.
drilled closed guard. Got 2 sweeps. One de la riva back take, and one scissor sweep. I also suck and keep giving up mid pass. I think once I stop quitting once I lose some position, I'll be many steps closer to blue belt. I think Raph respects aggression and no-quit attitude. I don't think he likes the way I get frustrated and just relent. Neither do I, and I'm sure it bothers me more. Gutting it out is hard for me. It's easier to rest while getting put into a worse spot, and then trying to fight out of it. That doesn't make any sense when I write it out, but that's what I do. DURRR.
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